Page name: As the Night Goes On [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-17 03:45:57
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As the Night Goes On


This wiki is a book [YokoTsuta] and [Raiko Fire] are co-writing. It's a work in progress, due to me (Yoko) not feeling inspired at the moment. I know that Rei will force inspire me soon <.<;

Dedicated to Mrs. Melissa Miraglia Whitaker, dearly departed teacher, friend, and a great Christian influence to us

Also dedicated to Miriam Atherton, my ([YokoTsuta])'s grandmother, who recently passed away after years of alzheimers.


[YokoTsuta] - the Author (Yok: more like slave o.O;)

[Raiko Fire] - the evil publisher woman ^^ (I stole yoko's cds, pencils, books, batteries, cd player, etc. o.O just to get her to write ^^ ah... torment is fun...)



NEW!!! Mini Prologue: Hana's Soliloquy


Chapter One: One Rainy Night

Chapter Two: A Stranger in the Dark

Chapter Three: The Plot Thickens

Chapter Four: Rose Blood

Chapter Five: Round the Corner

Chapter Six: Sad Performances

Chapter Seven: Silver

Chapter Eight: 21

Chapter Nine: Crimson Tears

Chapter Ten: Bound to the East

Chapter Eleven: Cheerful Contempt

Chapter Twelve: Sunlight Blues

Chapter Thirteen: Lifeblood

Chapter Fourteen: Down in the Dark

Chapter Fifteen: Riku's Demise

Chapter Sixteen: New Beginnings

Chapter Seventeen: Rules


ATNGO New Years Special ~05


ATNGO Characters


As the Night Goes On Readers Please sign!


Our Philosophy on Vampires


Meet the Authors




<img:" alt="Asbestos Disease">


Hey! We won a place in The Wiki Awards! ^^ thankies!

Wiki name: As the Night Goes On

Comment from the bosses:
A good RPG needs to have constant actualizations, needs to appeal to a large public that finds it interesting and may be well written. This one fills the description and has a lot of reading to do, with gives you lots of information and background for the actions. Also, the organization is neat and everything looks clean and well thought.

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2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: If only you knew him... n.n *sighs*

2004-12-24 [YokoTsuta]: So? I can still see him in the hallways! o.o; Ah, the hottness X3

2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: He's started to walking RIGHT behind me during exams. c.c I mean, every time I turned around, he was there! o.o

2004-12-24 [YokoTsuta]: What's your problem then? Quit complaining o.o I nearly ran into him when we got off the elevator that one time o.o;

2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: n.n I HAVE run into him. << >> On purpose. *wished she had stolen his wallet or something* No problem, anyway.

2004-12-24 [YokoTsuta]: j00 deleted my comment. o.o And *whack* Bad thoughts, Katie e.e;

2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: e.e But he's so... glompable...

2004-12-24 [YokoTsuta]: Make a life sized dummy then and put his pic on it e.e That's about as good as it'll get unless you become an evil prep with more money than brains e.e

2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: I could glomp him if I wanted, but it'd be a little awkward, wouldn't you think? XD

2004-12-24 [YokoTsuta]: Duh O.O; And he might whack you e.e

2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: He's not the whacking sort. I mean, that kid jumped on his back and kicked him, and Preston just limped off. o.o I would've hurt the boy.

2004-12-24 [YokoTsuta]: He's too pretty to be violent, I guess X3

2004-12-25 [Raiko Fire]: I dunno, Gackt is a pretty hard 4$$3d guy, and he's pretty.

2004-12-25 [YokoTsuta]: True. I still think Hyde's just a tad bit better >>;

2004-12-25 [YokoTsuta]: Anywho, Merry Christmas, all. ^^

2004-12-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Merry Christmas...>><<>>Hyde is shorter.Gackt is pretty tall for being Japanese.

2004-12-26 [Raiko Fire]: 5'10", baby. X3 ATTENTION ALL: Yok and I are gonna be a little late on the Christmas special. << >>; I'm actually gonna illustrate!

2004-12-26 [YokoTsuta]: XD Squee >>

2004-12-26 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY!! BTW, Rei, I couldn't find a frame big enough, So I got a protective comic book/print cover, and it's in there, and it's displayed on top of my desk for all to see.^^

2004-12-26 [YokoTsuta]: o.o

2004-12-26 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ^^, Rei wanted me to display the picture.^^

2004-12-26 [YokoTsuta]: And you should, or else ==........^^ Kidding o.O

2004-12-26 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Well I did, so there.

2004-12-27 [Raiko Fire]: o.O; *a little uncomfortable* YAY! \_^^_/

2004-12-27 [YokoTsuta]: o.o

2004-12-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: @.@

2004-12-30 [YokoTsuta]: ...

2004-12-30 [Raiko Fire]: *falls asleep* *drool bubble*

2004-12-30 [YokoTsuta]: o.O; *pokes*

2004-12-30 [Raiko Fire]: @¬@

2004-12-30 [YokoTsuta]: You know, I think we're gonna have to make the special a New Year's one that's just about Christmas o.O

2004-12-30 [Raiko Fire]: <<; Or the post X-Mas rush of gift returns e.e

2004-12-30 [YokoTsuta]: I'm not changing it again ==; And if you suggest so, I'll strangle you x.x

2004-12-30 [Raiko Fire]: *not paying attention* *outKast song* Hey ya~ n.n

2004-12-30 [YokoTsuta]: XP freak, you've started listening to that utter crud o.=

2004-12-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o

2004-12-30 [YokoTsuta]: Squee e.e Hiya >>

2004-12-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Hi! I was in OCean City, Maryland up until noon today.^^

2005-01-01 [YokoTsuta]: Maryland? o.O Ewww, coldness o.o

2005-01-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Actually it was quite warm.^^

2005-01-01 [YokoTsuta]: o.o We got 75 degree weather today ^^

2005-01-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *poke* You live in Florida, I live in Virginia, you get warmer weather.

2005-01-01 [YokoTsuta]: ^__^ No duh. But then again, we get really hot weather in the summer x.x

2005-01-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: @.@

2005-01-02 [Raiko Fire]: Not so much the heat as the humidity. u.u

2005-01-02 [YokoTsuta]: True, that. Dry heat is certainly better on the hair c.c

2005-01-06 [YokoTsuta]: New Years Special is up, peoples == Say something any day now.

2005-01-06 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY!!!I wuv it! That was so adorable.^^ and it gives some background to Riku and Hana.

2005-01-06 [YokoTsuta]: Thank you n.n

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: O_O *starts working on illustration* ><

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: -.-

2005-01-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay!

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: *pokes Yok* Say something on AIM >>;

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: n.n

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: System Announcement: Mousy is now deemed glompable. o.O *glomps her*

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: You seems as if we have no other fans than Mousy...despite that one comments, no one praises, no one even does anything here...

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: It's 'cause there hasn't been any updates lately. u.u

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Has too. But it's always us commenting. No one else has for a while. They just read what was there when they got there then left.

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: ....well thats cause some of us are shy

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: THANK YOU!! *falls over* O.O Someone speaks in this graveyard of bloody walls! x.x

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: *catches the poor person*....

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: o.O; *smears sky blue paint on the wall with a hand* HA! ^^

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: o.O Sorry, one says anything here lately except for Mousy, Rei, and I (me, whatever) o.o;

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: Me. *places paint-covered hand on Yok's face* o_o

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: ^_^ me shy...*hides*

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Ack. -.- And Lauren called me Ms. Grammar queen x.x No need to be shy here, as Rei just demonstrated. ==;

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: And she doesn't even mind. e.e *moves hand to the top of Yok's head and paints her hair blue* c.c

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Yay! Blue! ^__^ O_o; The red gel was fun at Halloween c.c

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: Ah, but this shall cause your hair to fall out... o.o (The gel ish MINE! >< And the purple and green e.e)

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Eh, shaddup, I'm already having to live with my dad's cooking ><;;

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: XD My dad was head chef at Vic's. e.e

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Let's just dad put milk in a cookie sheet with bisquits x.x Meh...

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: a cookie sheet?

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Well, on, yes. >> It turned out all mushy and stuff x.x; Mom came home and was like "What the h3ll? O.O Is something burning?!" and ran to the kitchen.

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: *watches from a shadow*

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: *hands Angel a paintbrush and offers her the bucket of paint* o.o

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: a guy

2005-01-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I just spent two and a half hours creating this...<img:> I still ahve at least one more to make, maybe more, depends on how many people want me to make them @.@

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: x.x sorry. *him* ^^; (I just picture angel as a girl because my aunt's name is Angel <<; [Love and peace angel] *she's 11* ==)

2005-01-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Cool! I'm the aunt of a girl a year older than me.

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: Well I'm three years older than her XP

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: ....spooky....0.0

2005-01-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: lol.^^

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: e.e

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: *stares at paint-coveredhand* glows! o.o

2005-01-07 [Heartless_Angel]: ...oh my

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: Uh huh...

2005-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: *actually did that at Yok's house* u.u You're no fun..

2005-01-07 [YokoTsuta]: I'm not in the mood at the moment...

2005-01-08 [YokoTsuta]: Illustration is up for the New Years' Special (finally, if I must say) >>

2005-01-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY!!!That is so cute!!

2005-01-09 [Raiko Fire]: *waves it off* Definatly not as good as I could have done. u.u

2005-01-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: It's still cute.^^

2005-01-12 [YokoTsuta]: I got a new notebook, yet I haven't even written anything in it yet -.-

2005-01-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Start on ch. 16 *poke*

2005-01-12 [YokoTsuta]: I'm not inspired by anything! Otherwise I could've already been on 17! ><

2005-01-12 [Raiko Fire]: And I'm a little afraid of her at the moment. >>; Too grumpy to heckle.

2005-01-12 [YokoTsuta]: I like it that way though. And Stephen King says that books shouldn't be let out to the world until it's pretty much finished, with the first and second drafts finished o.O I guess I'm in total violation of that, aren't I? XD

2005-01-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: So are a lot of other people.

2005-01-13 [Neko the Kitty]: I'm writing a book too

2005-01-13 [YokoTsuta]: Yeah, I guess so...but I'm pretty much treating each chapter as if it's a story in itself, which is kinda odd considering they all go together.

2005-01-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: lol.^^ Makes sense.

2005-01-23 [Raiko Fire]: ...must heckle Katie... o_o

2005-01-23 [Raiko Fire]: And I accidently left a pack of Pocky at her house, too! TT;

2005-01-24 [YokoTsuta]: <P Noticed. My net's still being evil on me and now I don't even have my comp there! >< Dern viruses. @.@

2005-01-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: heckle, heckle, heckle...^^

2005-01-24 [Raiko Fire]: I DIDN'T DO IT! *hides in corner* o_o

2005-01-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Heckle...0.0

2005-01-24 [Raiko Fire]: Her computer stopped working when I was over there... e.e

2005-01-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: You could type it ya know. *pokes Rei*

2005-01-24 [Raiko Fire]: She didn't write yet! o.o

2005-01-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: X.X

2005-01-26 [Raiko Fire]: The slacker. e.e

2005-01-26 [Heartless_Angel]: *pouts* you took down your character...

2005-01-26 [Raiko Fire]: Well, no one was interested in him and the rp just flies by like mad. I can't do it! c.c

2005-01-26 [Heartless_Angel]: ...well you dont how we suppose to know?

2005-01-27 [YokoTsuta]: The h3ll? I've missed things, d^^^it >>;

2005-01-27 [Raiko Fire]: Bah, I'm out of it. XP And Yok, you gotta write, dern it!

2005-01-27 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yes, j00 must write.

2005-01-27 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *yawn*

2005-01-27 [YokoTsuta]: Both of you hush. I haven't been able to read a book all the way through (except King's one) in at least three months ==; And who're you? o.O

2005-02-01 [YokoTsuta]: I want to change the first chapter, and maybe some more of the beginning, anyone have any extremely strong objections? -.-

2005-02-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: No.^^ Just leave a copy of the original up.^^

2005-02-01 [Raiko Fire]: ^^ yes. ^^ Leave the original. ^^ BUT WRITE, DERN YOU! >< *shakes fist* ^^ *making fun of Mousy* ^^

2005-02-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Mousy-chan feels made fun of. T.T j/k

2005-02-01 [Raiko Fire]: XD

2005-02-02 [YokoTsuta]: Thank goodness I know the joke >> And NEVAH!! ^^ <P Neener neener. Besides...I need an actual idea o.O But I want more control of shtuffs. ==

2005-02-04 [Raiko Fire]: I think everyone should just give up. Yok's so grumpy at school, I'm shuffling around her a lot. e.e; No heckling shall come from me, I'm telling you that.


2005-03-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: yok-san is now working on conformity

2005-03-17 [YokoTsuta]: Mousy, erase that e.e

2005-03-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: NEVER!!

2005-03-18 [Raiko Fire]: XP I already know about it, stop trying to hide it already. *has seemingly been under the silent treatment for going on two months*

2005-03-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o Ph34r

2005-03-18 [Nuit Darksin]: how's everyone doing

2005-03-18 [YokoTsuta]: Who're you? and you should be given the treatment sometimes, but we postponed getting mad at you because you seemed to be getting better e.e But I don't want an editor for it, you're kinda demoted on this one c.c

2005-03-19 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o...impending dooooom...

2005-03-19 [Raiko Fire]: *blink* I dun wanna be editor anymore, anyway. e.e I'll just continue my little grammatical fixing sometimes.. if you let me. o.O i = I XD Wait... I was getting better? o_o

2005-03-20 [YokoTsuta]: Sort of. You didn't tick us off more than usual, so we let it slide e.e XP And exucse me if my comp has been taken from me TT Stupid junk comp I have to use now won't even connect to the net ><; 

2005-03-20 [Raiko Fire]: We? Jen didn't block me out. e.e Andrea either.

2005-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: e.e You'd be suprised.

2005-12-05 [Raiko Fire]: Am I the only one having dreams about being friends again? ._. It was all really stupid... And I have counseling now so I'm not so... nyah... ish... ;-;

2005-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: You had counseling?

2005-12-06 [Raiko Fire]: Still am. And I'm on antidepressants... I must say my moods have mellowed out a lot more, and I'm not so bitchy according to mom. Somehow I think it's stupid to end a friendship over my lame ass attitude.

2005-12-07 [YokoTsuta]: Lovely. The world does love its drugs, doesn't it? If you didn't have that lame-ass attitude of yours, there might never have been any problems...but ha, you haven't seen my latest eff up. Three months and I already got rid of another friend off the list.

2005-12-07 [Raiko Fire]: Yeah. it does... We both have attitudes, though, and I think that's what sent sparks flying. So far I only have Megan left and I'm not so sure about Jenny. It's weird...

2005-12-08 [YokoTsuta]: I have a no tolerance policy engrained in me for certain people. I don't take stuff well and would rather get rid of it altogether. I'm going to miss Megan's help on Geometry. Jen's fine, it's just everything else.

2005-12-08 [Raiko Fire]: And here's the part where I wonder why I even tried... If you don't want to be civil then screw it

2005-12-08 [YokoTsuta]: I am being civil. I meant it in referrence to someone else, okay? I didn't mean it to affect you.

2005-12-08 [YokoTsuta]: I'm sorry, okay? Things are as much stressed here as possible. I'm not coming through like I mean it.

2005-12-08 [Raiko Fire]: *sigh* Sorry. I'm a little touchy right now too. I heard about your dad... and I kinda wanted to give you something for Christmas.

2005-12-08 [YokoTsuta]: Ugh, we just got the hospital bill for that. Let's just say I won't be getting that tuba I've been wanting for so long. Really? You seriously don't have to, if you don't want.

2005-12-08 [Raiko Fire]: I have a job now, so no worries. I was going to send one to you but I have no idea what city you live in now, much less your address (eheh...). I think we might get along better now that we're not seeing each other every flipping day. What would you want, anyway?

2005-12-08 [YokoTsuta]: Where do you work? I live in Sorrento now, a city with one gas station, a pawn shop, and a grocery store smaller than my house. Manga. Or even old issues of Shonen Jump, doesn't matter to me. We've been tight since we got in here, and I don't have any new ones...

2005-12-08 [Raiko Fire]: A book shop on Main Street. I can do that, anyway. I'm leaving town week after next until new year, but maybe we can meet up for a bit some time afterwards and I can give you a load of manga, kay? Mom wants me to get rid of a lot of mine anyway, and I'm sure you wouldn't mind a yaoi or two XD

2005-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: I've got so many concerts, and a parade, too. We're doing a thing in the square in Leesburg for orchestra, and THS's Holiday concert is the 13th, then a Howey-in-the-Hills Christmas Parade, and Tubachristmas in the Villages. Heh, yeah, I'll take it.

2005-12-09 [Raiko Fire]: No fun, no fun... We'll see how things go down later. As for now... add me to your aol buddy list again. That way I can at least contact you if I need to.

2005-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: I'm not on AOL anymore. I switched to peoplepc, but Yahoo works now. (Parades suck, by the way.)

2005-12-09 [Raiko Fire]: And now Rei needs to install Yahoo again... (Don't I know it. I was in baton for five years. I can't imagine marching in a uniform like a band's and carrying a tuba... >_<)

2005-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: What you don't see is the overalls that go underneath (that's why you never see someone pulling up their pants in marching band, unless the shorts fell down x.x) It's much nicer with the cold weather though.

2005-12-09 [Raiko Fire]: God, my mom used to dress me in overalls when I was little... The wedgies TT_TT; And while the band members are nice and warms those batoners are shivering their asses off. Yay. c_c

2005-12-09 [Raiko Fire]: okies, I'm on yahoo... firespirit_rei

2005-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: We have color guard, and they have long pants. e.e Marching band camp sucked, (last week of July, okay?), and we were out there from 8 to 8, for a week.

2005-12-31 [YokoTsuta]: Well...I'm back here o.o

2005-12-31 [Raiko Fire]: whoo!

2006-01-01 [YokoTsuta]: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I SEE YOU!!!

2006-01-01 [Raiko Fire]: OMG STALKER *looks behind her* I SEE YOU TOO

2006-01-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 I do not stalk. -.- I'm know...always there?

2006-01-01 [YokoTsuta]: XD And now I'm in front of you! Heheheh...^^ *pokes*

2006-01-02 [Raiko Fire]: I stayed the night at Yok's house, Mousy. XD

2006-01-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ...^.0 sure, right, just ignore the fact that I'm stalking you. J/k^^

2006-01-02 [YokoTsuta]: I try to o.o And y'know...the Producers sucked. Like...we were about to leave the theatre o.0

2006-01-04 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I liked it

2006-01-04 [YokoTsuta]: I liked the middle of it. o.o And the play. A gay Hitler XD

2006-01-04 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: GAY HITLER! w00t!

2006-01-04 [Raiko Fire]: *shrug* Depends on your idea of funny. ^^;

2006-01-04 [YokoTsuta]: I probably would've thought it was better if the lady in front of my stopped twitching, and my mom wasn't complaining at me c.c;

2006-01-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Uhg, adults. -.-

2006-01-05 [YokoTsuta]: *shrug* We're becoming them, 'yknow. e.e

2006-01-05 [YokoTsuta]: Can you say Brainwashing? XD *cough*

2006-01-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: amen to that.

2006-01-06 [YokoTsuta]: (I think I officially have to many System of a Down CDs XD) And to think, in almost half the time I've been in band, I'll be out of high school o.o Ack!

2006-01-06 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: L0L, I've got too much anime music. -.-

2006-01-06 [Raiko Fire]: Shameless plug -- RolePlayers on the Loose ^_^

2006-01-06 [YokoTsuta]: I've got at least three anime CDs from Rei XD I'm weird about who I'll roleplay with o.0

2006-01-07 [Raiko Fire]: God, those are old <_<;;

2006-01-09 [YokoTsuta]: I know o.o I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.

2006-01-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I LOVE YOU ALL!0.0(in that friendlike fashion)

2006-01-10 [YokoTsuta]: Really? Why? o.0

2006-01-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I dunno.-.-

2006-01-11 [YokoTsuta]: *prod, prod* Come know you have a reason ^^

2006-01-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Because....I ownz your soul?

2006-01-14 [YokoTsuta]: *inches away* c.c

2006-02-26 [YokoTsuta]: On verrrrrrrrrrry long break.

2006-05-18 [YokoTsuta]: *cough* I updated Conformity with a filler. Filler 5-15-06.

2006-12-17 [YokoTsuta]: I told you it was a very long break...about 10 months ago XD To think that someone could've gottne pregnant and already had the kid during the time I haven't written. Sorry...>>

2006-12-17 [YokoTsuta]: Ho, damn. Lookit what I did. XD

2007-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: I'm afraid to read these

2007-08-02 [YokoTsuta]: I know...I looked through a few a while back and cringed. Honestly cringed. I can't help but think I fucked it up.

2007-12-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Oh jesus, it's been forever since I've been here!!! 0.0 I still wuvvles j00 Yok-Chan!!!

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